Visual Connections New York 2017

Set-up and shipping


The exhibit space and warehouse drop-off will take place during the evening of Tuesday, October 24th, so that everything is ready for your arrival on Wednesday morning. Set-up must be completed by 11.30am, so please allow plenty of time! Please read the Booking Info page for more information about your exhibit space.

On-site storage

You will be able to store some materials under your table. There is also storage space for empty boxes on the fourth floor (two floors above the exhibit floor). You will not be able to access this after 9.30am on the day of the event. If you have many boxes to unpack, we recommend you start your set-up on the Tuesday.


You must not begin tearing down your stand until the official close of the event, or a representative of Visual Connections instructs or agrees to early tear-down. Some buyers travel considerable distances to see you, so please don’t disappoint them! Please be sure to bring sufficient shipping labels for any boxes you may wish to return.

Timetable for Wednesday, October 25th

Set-up 8:00am to 11:30am
Keynote session finishes any time after 11:30am
Doors open to attendees noon
Last entry 7:15pm
Tear-down 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Warehouse pickup from venue 8:30pm
Venue closed 8:45pm

Shipping via the warehouse

Download shipping form

  • Shipping costs are $40 per box.
  • Complete and return the shipping form by Friday October 20th.
  • If we do not receive the shipping form by the due date, you will be charged $80/box.
  • Label all boxes with the following (this is essential):
    Visual Connections October 25 / [your company name] / Space # [your space number]
    (If sending materials for the registration bag, put Reg Desk in place of Space #.)
  • Address your shipment to:
    GIO Express, Inc.
    2180 5th Avenue
    Unit 1B
    Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
    Attn: Kim Lant
    Tel: 848-863-6100
  • Shipments may only be received at the warehouse from Monday October 2nd through Friday, October 20th. Early shipments will be returned. Late shipments will incur a $150 penalty. Please make allowance for your shipment being delayed.

Return shipments

  • Boxes returned to the warehouse for onward shipping are charged at $40 per box.
  • Please bring shipping labels, international forms, etc.
  • Return labels must have the following information:
    Origin of pickup:
    GIO Express, Inc.
    2180 5th Avenue
    Unit 1B
    Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
    Tel: 848-863-6100
  • All return shipments must have a valid shipping account number assigned to them (e.g. by UPS, FedEx or DHL).
  • The warehouse will collect all boxes after the event, provided they are properly secured and labeled.
  • You must schedule your courier to pick up from the warehouse no later than noon on Monday October 30th.

GIO Express, Visual Connections and Wyndham Hotels and Resorts disclaim all liability or responsibility for shipments not properly shipped or labeled.

Shipping to the venue

Please do not ship directly to the venue. Under no circumstances will Visual Connections or New Yorker hotel staff sign for or accept a delivery on your behalf.


If you bring in boxes yourself, be aware that there is very limited parking on the street. The exhibit space is on the second floor. The venue will not provide carts or hand trucks.