Visual Connections Network

The Visual Connections Network is an industry networking facility to aid you in researching and developing your business. The Visual Connections directory contains details from over 1,000 companies around the world and includes hundreds of contacts not available in the public directory: companies that have not chosen to be listed in the public directory and staff not involved in sales, including CEOs and directors.

By joining the Visual Connections Network you can:

  • Access contact details of industry peers, most of which are not available in the public directory.
  • Search for agents able to represent you in new territories.
  • Search for libraries seeking representation in new territories.

You can set up multiple logins for other staff to access the directory.


Book this now! Full price
Visual Connections Network membership, 3 months US$ 49.00
Visual Connections Network membership, 1 year US$ 99.00
Visual Connections Network membership, 2 years US$ 165.00

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