Ten Top Apps for Every iPad

Part 2 of our series on Apps for the photo pro by Joseph Gamble.

Far from just an e-reader, the iPad has evolved into much more — a multimedia machine, portable video player, gaming device, camera and laptop replacement to name a few. The iPad revolution continues as native and third party applications propagate the App store where there are now over 375,000 tablet apps. Below are a few iPad applications ideally suited to visual creatives aiming to maximize their tablet computing experience.

0525-airdisplay-icon-3001. Air Display 1.2


Doing computer work in the field and missing your two monitor desktop back at the office? Avatron’s Air Display is a simple app that transforms the iPad into a secondary monitor or, if used alongside a twin monitor desktop configuration, a third monitor. While some creatives may choose to use the iPad as a laptop replacement when on the road, Air Display makes for a robust mobile workstation when paired alongside a laptop.

Unknown2. Dragon Dictation


While it is not 100 percent accurate, Dragon dictation by Nuance does a pretty solid job with voice recognition when paired with a set of earbuds and microphone. When your iPad is connected to the Internet, you can email the dictation or connect it directly to social media like Facebook and Twitter.

Unknown-13. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is the perfect antidote for integrating multiple social media streams with your iPad. When you want one status update to cover all your bases, Hootsuite for iPad comes in handy and allows you to schedule updates in advance.

images4. Dropbox for iPad


While you cannot edit your files directly in the cloud, Dropbox for iPad allows you to access them and then email, text or post the link via Facebook or Twitter. It can work as a solid repository for documents should you need to review them.

Unknown-25. GoodReader


The #1 non-Apple application for the iPad in 2010, GoodReader is more than an essential PDF reader. It supports .txt files, MSWord and html pages and allows for tab reading and the ability to annotate as you read. The Autosync functionality allows it to pair exceedingly well with Dropbox, Google Drive and SkyDrive.

Unknown-36. Feedly


When Google fazed out GoogleReader, it left a void for a multi-device RSS feed reader and Feedly has quickly become the tool of choice. The user-friendly iPad version works has three custom view layouts from list view to a magazine style and makes it easy to bookmark and share content.

Unknown-47. Penultimate


There is no ideal handwriting app for the iPad but Evernote’s Penultimate comes as close as it gets provided you have a quality stylus or a skilled index finger. While not ideal for composing memoirs, Penultimate excels as a sketchbook or idea pad and its ability to sync to Evernote provides easy access to your notes from multiple devices.

Unknown-58. TED


Short, informative and always interesting, TEDTalk videos are at your fingertips with this official app. Browse from more than 900 videos, accessible either via Wi-Fi or 3G network, and become a smarter human.

Unknown-69. Flipboard


Billed as “your personal magazine,” Flipboard leverages mainstream media feeds with the blogs you follow and your social media accounts. Flip through content in a magazine-style layout and keep up with a variety of “your” news.

Unknown-710. Mint


Keeping track of your finances and maintaining a budget are made easy with Mint for iPad. Once you’ve set up a free account, Mint syncs with your accounts and provides one simple user interface to keep track of all spending and create a functional budget.


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