UK Portals

Guest post by contributor Julian Jackson. The UK has a plethora of photographic agencies and imagery sources.  These range from big organizations which have photolibraries, like the BBC, through medium-sized companies like Alamy, to a large range of specialist libraries and hundreds of museums that have awesome collections of photographs, paintings and illustrations in their …

Marvelous and Morbid

Guest post by Angelika Pirkl, posted with permission of akg-images. It is not every day that I receive an email with the somewhat surprising opening line “Hello, I am a photographer and writer who specializes in the cultural reception of death”. My attention was instantly grabbed. Staring out at me from my computer screen were …

Visual Connections Toronto – May 16

In Toronto or environs on May 16th? Clear your calendar and reserve your space now for  Visual Connections Toronto  and for the morning Copyright and Clearance session featuring top experts in North America who can answer your questions and discuss copyright, clearances, orphan works and more. From 10am to noon, the panel will be held …

Image Supplier Global Surveys Just Released!

Thanks  to our international trade organizations PACA , CEPIC, BVPA and SAB for working in conjunction with the Research Group from the University Heidelberg, to research, create and make available the first truly international overview of Image Suppliers in both English and Chinese. Over the course of 2012, over 250 world wide image suppliers(still, illustrations …

Secrets to Smarter Image Search

Guest post by Alisa Steck Hooray, the graphic design is completed & you’re ready to replace the holder image with the real deal. Now comes the challenge of finding the perfect image that will fit the bill, fast. There are several tricks that could help narrow down your stock photo image search to quickly hone …

Go East, Young Man!

For some time, we have all wondered about the opportunities that might exist in the expanding market of China; in 2010, photographer Shannon Fagan took that leap of faith, beyond just idle speculation, and relocated from New York City into the heart of Beijing’s historic DongCheng District. It seems to have been a gamble that …

Passing through In Transit Images

ASPP Executive Director Jain Lemos crosses paths with visual sage Bob Hendriks, Managing Director of InTransit Images, and explains his company’s sensible trajectory. Bob Hendriks is a man in motion. And it appears he’ll keep moving upward, even if an unbalanced force tries to knock him off course. Who in this industry hasn’t felt a …

Mother Image

It’s refreshing to see boutique agencies popping up. I had an opportunity to chat with  Susan Carolonza Chanin who partnered with Rana Faure with new offering Mother Image. Tell us about your backgrounds in Stock, and how you came to identify this area as one that is sustainable and relevant? Mother Image is a boutique …

A View from the Front

Visual Connections 2012 New York continued the outstanding tradition of bringing image buyers and ‘sellers’ together to meet, greet, and open the doors to the extraordinary visual possibilities that image users demand and sellers provide.  The afternoon was filled with buyers visiting image purveyors from around the world. My personal experience as a buyer has …

The Emerging Paradigm of Electronic Rights

The licensing of electronic rights is growing steadily and dare we say, will soon eclipse print rights. Web use, smart phones, tablets; there are so many ways to display and absorb content that the traditional may soon become ancillary. Rights-managed licensing for electronic rights is unclear and varies greatly from source to source. Trevillion Images …