Creating A Conceptual/Fine Art Stock Photo

How DO they do it? ‘Stock Photo Guy’ and resident guru John Lund takes us behind the scenes. Creating a fine art stock image for Getty Images Siri Stafford, my art director at Getty Images at the time, suggested this stock image for me to create. She asked me to make the image because she …

Get Colorstock!

We hear over and over from researchers, editors and buyers searching for imagery about the need for a different kind of imagery. We chatted recently with entrepreneur Jenifer Daniels who has stepped up and has brought a new collections to market : Colorstock. Colorstock has come onto the Stock scene with a mission statement of …

NaturePL – Bats About Wildlife

The giving season is upon us and Julian Jackson’s conversation with Tim Harris about NaturePL and how they do things a bit differently is nothing if not timely. NaturePL (Nature Picture Library) is a world-renowned nature specialist photo agency, based in Bristol, a city in the south west of the UK. Bristol is notably an …

Co-ops, Sustainability and Stock..or rather; Stocksy

Been watching Stocksy for some time and pleased to share a recent conversation with new CEO Brianna Wettlaufer. Founded in 2012 Stocksy is described as a Co-op – can you elaborate? Stocksy is a multi stakeholder co-op, jointly owned by all of our photographer-members (900) and founders. In Stocksy’s infancy we explored many business models …

October 28th

Getting ready for a jam packed day at Visual Connections New York on Wednesday, October 28th. If you have not registered to attend, don’t leave it too late. Welcoming Workbook as  Principal Sponsor, the day is full of interesting sessions starting with 360° View of Visual Media Copyright, Trends and Technology with industry leaders, trend …

Arcangel Images – Bringing the Sunshine In

by Julian Jackson Arcangel Images is a photo agency which has grown from specialising in book covers to a wide range of artistic images, mobile media, and video. Founded by Michael Mascaro and Gloria Mejuto in 2004 it has grown to have offices in Paris, London and New York, although its HQ is unusually in …

The Wheels Keep on Turning for Wonderful Machine

Whether it’s assignments, stock or production, Wonderful Machine knows how to assemble photography for virtually any visual project you can dream up. Guest post by Jain Lemos It’s been nearly 10 years since Bill Cramer started his cooperative photography agency, though he says it’s hard to pinpoint the actual founding date. That’s because Wonderful Machine …

Storm-chasing: Part 2 with Evan Ludes

Last week, Jain Lemos talked with storm chaser Martin Lisius in Part One of her two-part article on weather photographers. Here’s her interview with Evan Ludes. Getting up to speed quickly on safety rules is Evan Ludes, a 22-year-old photographer from Omaha, Nebraska. Already, he’s amassing a solid collection of weather-related content, images that are …

Weather-Chasing Champions: StormStock and Framed By Nature – Part One

The dog days are upon us, as is Storm Season. We have long been fascinated by Storm Chasing image makers and VC Blog is delighted to have Jain Lemos talk to two of the best. We start this week with veteran cinematographer and chaser Martin Lisius. Next week, look for Jain’s chat with time-lapse specialist, …

An Agency for All Seasons

by Sheridan Stancliff In May, CulinArts Holding Group launched, adding another niche market to their impressive collections including StockFood and Living4Media. While at first glance, one might think this collection is similar to other model-centric themes, a closer look reveals a high caliber of European fashion and beauty talent that has previously been attainable …