Networking, anyone?

Let us switch gears and think about how to refresh our freelance networking skills. By Sheridan Stancliff. When most of us embarked on our freelance career, one of the common pieces of advice is: build your network. That’s all well and good, but how? And then once I build this network, how on earth do …

An Agency for All Seasons

by Sheridan Stancliff In May, CulinArts Holding Group launched, adding another niche market to their impressive collections including StockFood and Living4Media. While at first glance, one might think this collection is similar to other model-centric themes, a closer look reveals a high caliber of European fashion and beauty talent that has previously been attainable …

Understanding and Serving Niche Markets

Guest post by Sheridan Stancliff. Some may argue that there is already a flood of imagery available in the stock photography market with collections such as Getty images, Corbis, and Alamy hosting millions of images. There are still, however, some topics that are not being well represented by the “big boys” for various reasons and …

Choosing Solutions

Tired of getting the ‘latest, greatest’ app, tool, etc., and finding it’s more frustrating than fruitful? Sheridan Stancliff, owner of SheridanInk, a premier marketing agency and project manager supreme helps us do our due diligence. As we buy new gadgets, take on new clients, adopt new responsibilities and projects, it can sometimes be a daunting …