Catching up with Gallery Stock

Lucky enough to catch up with Rylan Venegas at Gallery Stock to see some new images and get a snapshot of what they are up to: Give us the elevator pitch for Gallery Stock We leverage our expertise to give you access to top photographers through our captivating image licensing collection and through our bespoke …

Of Porridge and Pictures

Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Inverness – all these places have such an air of romance and beauty. Hard to imagine a lovelier premise for a photo library. Adam Elder saw both a need in the market and an opportunity; thus Scottish Viewpoint. How did Scottish Viewpoint come about? I worked as a photographer at a national newspaper …

Minden Pictures – and the formula for Longevity and Success

 Larry Minden is the founder/owner of Minden Pictures, a niche stock agency specializing in wildlife and nature imagery he launched in 1987. Maintaining its independence and reputation for quality, Minden is highly regarded for its curated collection and outstanding contributors. Larry lives on the central coast of California with his wife Linda. He has four …