Ten Top Apps for Every iPad

Part 2 of our series on Apps for the photo pro by Joseph Gamble. Far from just an e-reader, the iPad has evolved into much more — a multimedia machine, portable video player, gaming device, camera and laptop replacement to name a few. The iPad revolution continues as native and third party applications propagate the …

Smartphone Apps for the Photo Community

Part 1 of a 2 part  post by guest contributor Joseph Gamble Let’s face it — we are often glued to our smart phones. Sometimes, this is for good reason as we are utilizing a mobile application that makes life more efficient. There are now more than one million apps in iTunes and Google Play’s …

Source of Inspiration

We all tend to re-visit certain books  movies over and over as they inspire and reinforce something essential for us. Susan Sontag’s “On Photography” and John Sayle’s “The Secret of Roan Inish” are on my list. Joseph Gamble does the same with photo books and shares his top five: There are many great photography books …