Adobe’s Stormy Cloud

Guest post by Alisa Steck of Rocketroom For those in the creative community, Photoshop is a critical tool. It’s been traditionally sold with a perpetual license, enabling users the freedom to upgrade as needed (and as funds allowed). Adobe has recently made the decision to move to a subscription-based model for all future upgrades to …

The Resurgence of low tech in the age of technology

Guest post by Alisa Steck of Rocketroom Today’s insatiable consumerism with the latest, greatest digital devices has brought us every feasible type of entertainment and media at our fingertips. Cell phones older than a year are incredulously considered Jurassic technology. We could hardly imagine a world without must-have applications such as iTunes, delivering every song, …

Secrets to Smarter Image Search

Guest post by Alisa Steck Hooray, the graphic design is completed & you’re ready to replace the holder image with the real deal. Now comes the challenge of finding the perfect image that will fit the bill, fast. There are several tricks that could help narrow down your stock photo image search to quickly hone …