Tender Souls – Another Side of San Francisco

The Tenderloin’s reputation goes before it: supposedly the most dangerous area to visit in San Francisco, it’s a central district of about fifty square blocks, nestled beneath the much more gentrified Nob Hill at its northern boundary. Yet amidst the usual (and justified) statistical information about crime, prostitution, drug use and gang activity, the reality …

Tracking Down the Copyright Infringers

Image theft seems to grow and expand. Here, we find out what options are available for recourse and hear of success in protecting one’s copyright. Guest post by Julian Jackson. David Hoffman is a UK photographer, and a bulldog who chases copyright infringers. While I was on the phone, interviewing him for this article, a British …

A Constellation of Images

How things have changed! This researcher remembers thick, well thumbed-through paper bound catalogs with grainy images of the earth from space with impossibly long identifying numbers that one would note, and then order(snail mail) copy negs from and wait…6,8,10 weeks to receive! NASA, as will surprise nobody, is great (no: change that: the best: because …

Getty’s Open Letter to U.S. Senators

Many thanks for the DMLA for keeping us informed on this important issue! Getty Images has written an Open Letter to U.S. Senators regarding Google’s anti-competitive practice of image scraping.  This policy change on the part of Google was implemented in 2013 and greatly impacts anyone who displays images on the internet. Getty is asking …

Minden Pictures – and the formula for Longevity and Success

 Larry Minden is the founder/owner of Minden Pictures, a niche stock agency specializing in wildlife and nature imagery he launched in 1987. Maintaining its independence and reputation for quality, Minden is highly regarded for its curated collection and outstanding contributors. Larry lives on the central coast of California with his wife Linda. He has four …

Connecting with new DMLA President Geoff Cannon

Fresh from the Board Retreat, we caught up with new Board President Geoff Cannon to find out what DMLA (Digital Media Licensing Association) is up to. Why were you inspired to take on the Presidency of DMLA? After 4 years on the Board as a Member-at-Large, I grew to understand the importance of the advocacy …

Knowing the difference … and our history

Editorial by Simon Herbert Context is everything in life; so perhaps it’s no surprise that, as digital social platforms such as Facebook begin to supplant more traditional news sources (even digital online newspapers), the boundaries of both taste and fact are being explored in new ways. The most recent high-profile case is the (now settled) …

Lee Miller – From Art to Destruction and Back Again

Who was Lee Miller? Born in Poughkeepsie, New York in 1907, Lee Miller was an amazing woman who led an incredible life, then drifted into obscurity: a 1920’s supermodel, she gave it up to go to Paris and work with Man Ray, becoming a surrealist photographer in her own right. Returning to New York to …

The CNN Collection – Compelling and Vast

Bobby Dicks, Director of Sales & Licensing at the CNN Collection, talks with us about all things CNN that a researcher needs to know. The CNN Collection encompasses over 35 years of footage. Tell us a bit about what sets this collection apart and what keeps it that way? It is true that for more than …

Networking, anyone?

Let us switch gears and think about how to refresh our freelance networking skills. By Sheridan Stancliff. When most of us embarked on our freelance career, one of the common pieces of advice is: build your network. That’s all well and good, but how? And then once I build this network, how on earth do …