Picture Palace of Movie History – the Ronald Grant Archive

by Julian Jackson The Ronald Grant Archive is one of the best privately-held collections of cinema images in the world today.  Founded in 1971 along with its sibling The Cinema Museum in 1984, it covers the  history of cinema.  In its temperature-controlled vaults lie over 1 million images from the beginning of the movies in …

A Museum Without Walls…for an Art Without Boundaries

Sometimes, if there ain’t a museum for what you want, you just have to set it up yourself…which is precisely what Bill Becker, a television producer and writer and noted historian of photography (his research has been published in American Heritage, History of Photography: An International Quarterly and other forums) did. Also; if you don’t …

Ghouls on Film

Settle down, pull your blankets tight, as we gather around the campfire, and listen to stories of the weird and wonderful. It’s that time of year again… time to carve the pumpkins with dull knives, put up ecologically-unsound fake spider webs, and let your children wander around threatening strangers, who, in turn, give them unmonitored …

Understanding and Serving Niche Markets

Guest post by Sheridan Stancliff. Some may argue that there is already a flood of imagery available in the stock photography market with collections such as Getty images, Corbis, and Alamy hosting millions of images. There are still, however, some topics that are not being well represented by the “big boys” for various reasons and …

Alex Center is Pretty Special

If you think that it takes some moxie for a designer to get this compliment from rapper 50 cent – “You must think you’re pretty special” – then Alex Center wants you to know that his response was to be nervous and “instantly start sweating.” It’s probably a career first for a man who seems …

Diving into the DPLA: Getty Research Institute Adds Nearly 100,000 New Items

If you haven’t spent time lately navigating the collections of the Digital Public Library of America, now is a great time to revisit this fabulous content resource. Guest post by Jain Lemos Headquartered within the Boston Public Library, the DPLA’s online experience for researchers couldn’t be better, but hanging out there is time consuming. That’s …

Part Two: Q&A with Senior Art Producer Chrissy Borgata Liuzzi

by guest writer Brooke Hodess Our conversation with Innocean’s Senior Art Producer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi continues this week with the SoCal-based 15-year agency veteran talking about the highs and lows of the job and proves you can do a photo shoot in minus 6-degree weather. VC: Where does someone begin if interested in art buying? …

Q&A with Senior Art Producer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi

So pleased to present this conversation between writer Brooke Hodess and Art Buyer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi. Q & A with Senior Art Producer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi, Part One Orange County, California–based Senior Art Producer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi began her career as a photo editor for Entrepreneur magazine out of Irvine. There she learned to work …

Catching up with the ASPP

The American Society of Picture Professionals is the definitive trade association for picture editors, art buyers, researchers and all engaged in the business of creating, archiving, marketing, researching and licensing imagery in North America. With Chapters through out the United States offering regular programming to one of the most comprehensive benefits packages for members to …

Revisiting Vivian Maier

Shortly after the insightful review of the acclaimed documentary, “Finding Vivian Maier”, written for us by Michael Masterson and found here, news surfaced with an interesting development around her work. Michael filed this update for us: Subsequent to the original post, there has been a new legal twist regarding Maier’s work and estate. The New …