The Evolution of Art Production

Written By Nicole Bishop. Originally featured on the Foundfolios Blog and reposted with their kind permission. It is estimated that in 2004 there were 900 art buyers and producers in North America. Today, data shows there are only 400. What does that mean for the industry? Art buyers and producers have had many struggles within …

Reflecting on Mary Ellen Mark

Any ‘photographer’ can capture something by being in the right place at the right time – all it takes is a fortuitous click of a shutter, and the recording of one iconic image – but few can sustain a lifetime of cogent work of repeating the same ‘trick’ of capturing something potent over and over: …

The Apotheosis of Appropriation – Richard Prince

Guest post by Simon Herbert Appropriation has always been a part of the history of art (Renaissance painters regularly ‘lifted’ iconography from one another), but it truly moved into the mainstream as its own accepted sub-category in the twentieth century. When Surrealist René Magritte deconstructed subject matter in his painting “The Treachery of Images” that …

Dangerous Little Knowledge

reposted from The Illusion of More with the kind permission of David Newhoff Not surprisingly, friends contact me from time to time with copyright-related questions. I’m careful not to give definitive answers to most of these, but I can usually point them in the right direction toward a solution.  Very recently, a dear friend (let’s …

Personal Photo Curation

By Laura Lucas Last summer I snapped over 800 photos on a family trip to Newfoundland. I’m not a great photographer so I often take more than needed to get that one good shot, but it means a big job to organize and manage them later. So each day of my trip I sifted through …

From Across the Pond: fotofringe 2015

by Julian Jackson Photography industry people love a good gabfest, and where better to do that than the annual fotofringe event, held in London’s King’s Place arts and media hub, right next to the iconic HQ of the Guardian and Observer newspapers. This was the fifth year of this successful trade fair, and with over …

VC Boston Copyright Panel After Class

We know the conversation about copyright never ends. For those of us who didn’t get to Boston last month for Visual Connection’s Expo—and for those of you who were able to attend—we continue the dialog. Guest post by Jain Lemos. Here is a follow-up interview with two of the guest panelists for the morning educational …

Blazing a New Trail

By Simon Herbert Where confusion and opportunities arise, pioneers step in first to make sense from the haze; and Stock Pot Images is a new start-up that steps into that medicinal marijuana haze, the first stock photo agency to specialize exclusively in cannabis-related imagery. At a time when the Feds and the States vie over the application of …

ACSIL Footage Expo

Want to see some of the most compelling moving imagery ever produced on earth? Then take yourself to Manhattan on April 29th: to a loft location filled with light, where the Association of Commercial Stock Image Licensors (ACSIL) will be hosting a variety of conferences on today’s footage dynamic in creative, commercial, and educational media. …

Bridgeman Images – Art for Arts Sake

by Julian Jackson Bridgeman Images is one of the world’s foremost picture agencies specializing in fine art. Founded in 1972 by Harriet Bridgeman, it remains a family-based company. Harriet is still fully involved as Chairman, and the current CEO is Victoria Bridgeman. She says the overall mission of the library is to “to be the …