Monument- A new solution for managing your personal photos and videos

Welcoming our tech guru Brantlea Newbury back this week with an expert overview of a new storage tool: I have over 6,000 photos on my iPhone right now. You probably have thousands too and I wouldn’t be surprised if you have to constantly delete photos because you run out of space on your phone. That’s …

Evolution of a Visual Researcher

Laura Lucas of Big Picture Research is one of our valued contributors hailing from up north in Canada. She writes today about the necessity of community and our trade associations. For many years, I worked the same image research job at a media organization. It was not straightforward but there was an entire team to …


All things change, especially in the fast-moving world world of photo licensing. For some time, now, industry professionals have noted that PACA (Picture Archive Council of America) has evolved into the DMLA (Digital Media Licensing Association); but do they also know that PACA’s fantastic mega metasearch engine of licensable content has been updated into DMLASearch? …

Capture and capture DESK Streamline Visual Asset Management

Abbie Enock is the founder and CEO of Capture who make image management and business software for libraries and photo-buyers. She started out in journalism, then moved into photojournalism, and created her own photo agency, Travel Ink. During that journey she needed asset management software, and finding no product she was satisfied with, she learnt …

Podcasts, Podcast, whats the best Podcast?

There is, in all probability, a podcast for everything these days: give an enthusiast, or a professional, a recorder and access to uploading resources, and… voila! But whereas there might be some obscure ones at the farthest ends of human endeavor (there’s – honestly – one about the history of ribbons, another on issues pertaining …

From ’round the web..

In no particular order, links of interest to picture buyers/researchers that we have bookmarked for you: Interested in expanding knowledge? Courses in Picture Research: The Copyright Alliance Podcast . Totally free and full of profiles from artists, photographers, musicians and film makers on copyright and issues around IP. The Metropolitan Museum of Art …


Guest post by Jain Lemos. Image pros want to support photographers and avoid copyright infringement, right? Thanks to Permission Machine, there is a new tool to accomplish this and more with just a few clicks. In this age of automation, it’s inevitable that someone would find a way to streamline the often tedious process of …

Ten Top Apps for Every iPad

Part 2 of our series on Apps for the photo pro by Joseph Gamble. Far from just an e-reader, the iPad has evolved into much more — a multimedia machine, portable video player, gaming device, camera and laptop replacement to name a few. The iPad revolution continues as native and third party applications propagate the …

Smartphone Apps for the Photo Community

Part 1 of a 2 part  post by guest contributor Joseph Gamble Let’s face it — we are often glued to our smart phones. Sometimes, this is for good reason as we are utilizing a mobile application that makes life more efficient. There are now more than one million apps in iTunes and Google Play’s …

Adobe’s Stormy Cloud

Guest post by Alisa Steck of Rocketroom For those in the creative community, Photoshop is a critical tool. It’s been traditionally sold with a perpetual license, enabling users the freedom to upgrade as needed (and as funds allowed). Adobe has recently made the decision to move to a subscription-based model for all future upgrades to …