Erik Wahlstrom on What Makes a Photographer

Erik Wahlstrom is an up and coming shooter who has a super YouTube channel on all things photography. His musings on What Makes a Photographer are relevant and he also sparks good discussion. For more on Erik: Email: Flickr:… Patreon: Instagram:

A New Generation of Images – Picfair

Daily we hear of customers seeking imagery that is anything but ‘stock’. Picfair took the challenge to heart. Here is their unfolding story. Tell us about the genesis of Picfair and a bit about the background of the founders. Picfair was founded by former Guardian & New York Times journalist Benji Lanyado. He was continually …

Tender Souls – Another Side of San Francisco

The Tenderloin’s reputation goes before it: supposedly the most dangerous area to visit in San Francisco, it’s a central district of about fifty square blocks, nestled beneath the much more gentrified Nob Hill at its northern boundary. Yet amidst the usual (and justified) statistical information about crime, prostitution, drug use and gang activity, the reality …

Scopio Takes On Authentic Content Access

Guest post by Jain Lemos Stop photo searching like the century and get in sync! There’s tons of new technology popping up around the ability for buyers and creators to record transactions, track and share content, and basically get down to the business of image curation and usage. Scopio has jumped into the fray as …