All Types of Gifting this Season

As the season of giving is upon us, let’s take some time out from all that financial management – all that project billing, and equipment buying, and estimate building – and take a brief look at some folks in the photography community are in the the giving frame of mind: Photojournalist Yunghi Kim has perhaps …

The Multi-faceted Paula Gillen: Part II

By Brooke Hodess Visual Connections talked via email with Paula Gillen, a Colorado-based photo researcher, photo editor, photo book designer, photographer and artist, who shared with us in Part I her experience in the business and observations about the state of stock photography and the impact of the Digital Age. In Part II, Gillen shares …

Charlie Hebdo shooting: a barbaric act against media freedom

From the European Federation of Journalists. Reposted with permission from PACA/DMLA. “The ‘massacre’ which took place today at the premises of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris is a barbaric act of violence against journalists and media freedom,” says the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ). According to the latest media reports, twelve people were …

What’s in a picture? – a Xmas tale of shooting the past

Re-posted with the kind permission of PACA/DMLA. A young Turkish Cypriot woman holding a rifle in 1964 Cyprus – a stark photograph of troubled times, a face without a story. Until now. Last week Lebrecht photo library was contacted by the Australian nephew of the young woman.  He was stunned to imagine that his aunt, …

Two Books That Teach

Another in our series of inspirations and must-haves, this time with guest writer, Ellen Boughn. Two photography book publishers looked to their archives for material to publish in 2014. I chose to review Thames and Hudson’s Magnum Contacts and National Geographic Covers because they are books that can reinforce the editing skills of photo researchers, …