Of Drones and Photography

We have all gasped at the stunning footage more than once. Here, guest writer Max Therry provides a comprehensive look at what you need to know when commissioning/shooting with drones. Definitely one to bookmark! Over the years, photography has seen many different forms. But perhaps, one of the most controversial methods of photography, has been …

Gene Smith’s Sink

Famously unabashed, W. Eugene Smith was photography’s most celebrated humanist. As a photo essayist at Life magazine in the 1940s and ’50s, he established himself as an intimate chronicler of human culture. His photographs of war and disaster, villages and metropolises, doctors and midwives, revolutionized the role of images in journalism, transforming photography for decades …

Still Talking About Diversity in Stock

For as long as I have worked in the Photography industry, the conversation around imagery of humans has been about authenticity and diversity. Hard to believe that this is still the case with the level of sophistication in the world of visual media, the easy access to technology and most of all, the population at …

See What Developed – Elsa Dorfman’s Photography

We love Errol Morris and Polaroids. Just had to have Michael Masterson review this super new doc. Treat yourself! By Michael Masterson When I was a teenager I wanted a Polaroid SX-70 camera so badly I could taste it. When my parents finally caved in and gave me one for Christmas, I was entranced with …

Khadija Saye

http://www.bjp-online.com/2017/06/obituary-khadija-saye-grenfell-tower/ A tribute to Saye and “to all those who lost their lives at Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2017” has also been set up at Tate Britain, featuring an image from Saye’s series Dwelling. in this space we breathe. A memorial fund has been established in her name to support emerging artists: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/khadija-saye-memorial-fund

Erik Wahlstrom on What Makes a Photographer

Erik Wahlstrom is an up and coming shooter who has a super YouTube channel on all things photography. His musings on What Makes a Photographer are relevant and he also sparks good discussion. For more on Erik: Email: erikwahlstromphotography@gmail.com Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/erikewa… Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ErikWahlstrom Instagram: https://www.patreon.com/ErikWahlstrom

Rounding Up Ranching Culture – Part Two

Michael Masterson continues chatting this week with Seth and Charlie talking about technique and where Ranch Raised Kids is headed. Michael: You are often shooting in remote locations in challenging conditions, Seth. What do you use to capture such natural imagery? Seth: For me it’s all about environment, natural light and a Canon 35mm. F1.4 …

Rounding Up Ranching Culture – Part One

Personal projects – necessary to the creative. Here we start what we hope is an ongoing series exploring what engages and drives one beyond the commercial world. This is part one of a two part conversation Michael Masterson had with respected industry leaders Charlie Holland and Seth Joel. Charlie Holland and Seth Joel have shared …

A New Generation of Images – Picfair

Daily we hear of customers seeking imagery that is anything but ‘stock’. Picfair took the challenge to heart. Here is their unfolding story. Tell us about the genesis of Picfair and a bit about the background of the founders. Picfair was founded by former Guardian & New York Times journalist Benji Lanyado. He was continually …

Homer Sykes – British Customs and US Street Photography

by Julian Jackson Homer Sykes started as a photographer by grabbing his father’s camera and shooting in the backstreets of Nice in France, where they were holidaying in the 1960s. Streetlife and cultures of the UK have remained a major feature of his work. He is almost an anthropologist who instead of studying distant cultures, …