February 18, 2015
PostMark Press is a treasure trove of stock vintage imagery, that runs into the thousands and thousands of carefully selected images – many categorized and digitized. From “Family” to “Suburbia,” one can take a time warp trip down Nostalgia Street; to a time when men in hats came home at 6pm to a chilled martini, …
January 13, 2015
We hear over and over from researchers, editors and buyers searching for imagery about the need for a different kind of imagery. We chatted recently with entrepreneur Jenifer Daniels who has stepped up and has brought a new collection to market: Colorstock. Colorstock has come onto the Stock scene with a mission statement of recognizing …
January 7, 2015
By Simon Herbert Imagine that you are strolling through a gift shop, killing time and looking for useless things to buy to assuage your existential angst (isn’t that why we trawl through gift shops to begin with?) and you happen to pick up and peruse an alcohol flask. It’s one of that adorable line of …
October 22, 2014
Guest post by Sheridan Stancliff. Some may argue that there is already a flood of imagery available in the stock photography market with collections such as Getty images, Corbis, and Alamy hosting millions of images. There are still, however, some topics that are not being well represented by the “big boys” for various reasons and …
September 24, 2014
So pleased to present this conversation between writer Brooke Hodess and Art Buyer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi. Q & A with Senior Art Producer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi, Part One Orange County, California–based Senior Art Producer Chrissy Borgatta Liuzzi began her career as a photo editor for Entrepreneur magazine out of Irvine. There she learned to work …
So pleased to have this inside view of Photo Research by Susan Ferguson of Ferguson Resources. Like many photo researchers, I have a background that may seem unrelated to photography or publishing. My degree is in Ornamental Horticulture with additional studies in art and architectural history, and cultural geography. My experience of the business of …
July 30, 2014
Alan Capel explains how their new app is driving sales and delivering the look advertisers demand. Guest post by Jain Lemos Nearly gone are the days of taking snaps with cell phones just to share them with our followers. Today, dozens of tech companies are promising to fulfill dreams of becoming a professional creative by …
Guest post by Jain Lemos. Image pros want to support photographers and avoid copyright infringement, right? Thanks to Permission Machine, there is a new tool to accomplish this and more with just a few clicks. In this age of automation, it’s inevitable that someone would find a way to streamline the often tedious process of …
February 19, 2014
© 2014 Doug Brooks, All Rights Reserved Question: When is it okay for me to publish (or otherwise use) an orphan image? Answer: Never* (notice the asterisk) We all know that copyright is there to protect creative works from being used without the permission of the rights holder. That’s good, that’s solid, we can all …
January 22, 2014
Anna Fey shares some tips: When you call a photographer or agency for an image, it’s important to really share with them that for which you are looking. We are inclined to say that we just want this picture of a red widget. If that is all you tell the seller, you are probably selling …