Miss the PACA 2012 International Conference?

For those of us who missed the Chicago based conference in October, do not fret! You can peruse the sessions at your leisure with your morning coffee for a small fee  thanks to PACA and ReeldealHD: http://video.pacaoffice.org/en A wide range of relevant topics with industry leaders include two  Buyer’s Panel Discussions, Industry Forecasting, Keynotes on …

A View from the Front

Visual Connections 2012 New York continued the outstanding tradition of bringing image buyers and ‘sellers’ together to meet, greet, and open the doors to the extraordinary visual possibilities that image users demand and sellers provide.  The afternoon was filled with buyers visiting image purveyors from around the world. My personal experience as a buyer has …

“The Nine Eyes of the Google Street View”

A common plaint by photographers, evinced increasingly over the last decade, as every young girl and their grandad ‘snaps’ away on their smart phones (although there is no ‘snap,’ really, if you think about it; there’s no ‘real’ shutter mechanism and it’s an artificial construct, a vestigial remnant of an earlier time), is that everyone …

The Emerging Paradigm of Electronic Rights

The licensing of electronic rights is growing steadily and dare we say, will soon eclipse print rights. Web use, smart phones, tablets; there are so many ways to display and absorb content that the traditional may soon become ancillary. Rights-managed licensing for electronic rights is unclear and varies greatly from source to source. Trevillion Images …

Inside the Revolution

In keeping with the conversation about smartphone imagery (Engaging Notions: Aurora’s Groundbreaking myPhone Collection), the kind folks at Evolve Images let us repost Lewis Blackwell’s thoughts from their blog: There has been a wave of humorous call-outs for Apple’s claim that on the iPhone5 “The ocean looks bluer … Kids look happier and the world …

The Instagram Effect

by Ophelia Chong If  Ansel Adams was alive today, he would be using the “Inkwell” filter in Instagram, or to mix it up a bit, he would choose “Kelvin” for that gritty print frame look. But since he’s dead, he’s probably rolling in his grave, while over 30 million registered users are uploading images of …