Lucky enough to catch up with Rylan Venegas at Gallery Stock to see some new images and get a snapshot of what they are up to:
- Give us the elevator pitch for Gallery Stock
We leverage our expertise to give you access to top photographers through our captivating image licensing collection and through our bespoke custom shoot opportunities.
- The market is saturated! How does Gallery Stock stand out among an overwhelming sea of images?
We believe that if we give back to our artists and offer one of the top revenue splits available, we will continue to provide exceptional work from premium photographers. We are known for our unparalleled, authentic, and relevant photography; we are not a vast pool of stock images, but a highly hand-picked collection.

- What makes you different from a customer POV?
Every day the feedback we receive is that our collection is beautiful and resonates with the continued need for fresh, relevant, and engaging images. When our clients are seeking narratives to break through the clutter in their marketplace, they search Gallery Stock.

- The Rights Managed business model is perceived as a more exclusive way to license imagery. What made you decide to go this route? Any plans ever to have a Royalty Free collection?
We do have a Royalty-Free! We have been focused on growing our Royalty-Free offering since 2013; giving our clients more flexibility. We offer exclusivity on Royalty-Free as well.
- How do you see the collection being positioned/growing going forward?
Our custom shoot program is growing and offering more unique opportunities to get the right image within the right budget. We are also simplifying our Rights Managed licensing model, and offering exclusivity for Royalty-Free, which is truly a win-win.
- Some of your favorite images and/or licensing stories?
I love that we are brave in our marketing outreach and focus on trending portraits such as The Humanitarian, and The Upstander. We sent out an email for International Women’s Day and Nils Ericson’s “Lips with Red Lipstick” image on the mailer caused a LOT of discussion from our clients; which highlighted the power of photography and context.

- Finally what else do we need to know about Gallery Stock?
Gallery Stock is a part of a larger entity, Great Bowery. We are within the umbrella of agencies which include CLM, Streeters, M.A.P, Bernstein & Andriulli, Wenzel & Co., Trunk Archive, Great Bowery Film, and The Production Club. Great Bowery is headquartered in the iconic 1898 Germania Bank building on the Bowery in New York City.