Education the DMLA Way

DMLA (Digital Media Licensing Association) has traditionally been seen as a trade organization for picture agencies and distributors. Important to note that for a few years now, their programming and offerings are becoming more and more inclusive of the entire visual communications community. Their annual conference in the fall (October 22–24) has expanded programming that is sure to attract and be useful for anyone working in and around the world of licensing, imagery and copyright.

One does not have to wait for the Autumn however. In the DMLA online video library, there is a plethora of archived webinars and legal information videos led by industry experts, all  there for one’s viewing pleasure and edification. And most all, free of charge. So grab a cuppa and peruse if you will.

A few highlights:

Interested in trends and influencers? Check out the impressive panel of Leslie Hughes, Stephanie Marchesi, Shawn Amos, and Robert Dowling talk about the art of storytelling and story sharing in The Future of Communications

No matter what part of the visual industry one is engaged in, at one time at least, you will have questions about sensitive subject releases. This hour and a bit is worth its weight in gold as legal and industry experts break it down. Sensitive Subject Releases.

Fair Use, Releases, Motions, and a specia presentation on web image search and potential issues everyone needs to be aware of.  There is so much information here for the Art Buyer, Photo Editor, Art Producer, Researcher, Student, Photographer and Instructor.

Look a little deeper into the library for one of the best copyright powerpoint presentations out there. It will make you laugh and definitely school you in some best practices. Curious about Orphan Works and how to search for owners? That’s covered too.

Coming up, check out ‘The Movement to Video & Mixed Media Marketing’ on May 17th. Contact Cathy Aron, DMLA Executive Director, to sign up for this webinar. Take a minute to find out more about the DMLA and how the organization can be an invaluable resource.

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